You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.4 KiB

<v-card-title>Deine Wünsche</v-card-title>
<v-card-subtitle>Sollte ein Wunsch abgeschnitten sein, versuch mal dein Gerät zu kippen.</v-card-subtitle>
<div class='pa-4'>
<v-list-item v-for='item in this.$store.state.wishes.personal' :key=''>
<v-list-item-title>{{ item.wish }}</v-list-item-title>
<v-btn style='float: right' v-on:click='deleteWish(' outlined color='primary'><v-icon>mdi-delete</v-icon>Löschen</v-btn>
<hr />
<NuxtLink to='/addwish'>
<v-btn class='mt-4' block color='primary'><v-icon>mdi-plus</v-icon> Wunsch hinzufügen</v-btn>
export default {
name: 'wishlist',
methods: {
deleteWish(id) {
title: 'Wunsch löschen?',
text: 'Wunsch wirklich löschen?',
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonText: "Abbrechen",
confirmButtonText: 'Löschen',
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
this.$store.dispatch('wishes/deleteWish', id)
<style scoped>